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(If the category of the site is "none" please use the "OTHER" checkbox in the VZRequest form). 2. Use this link to open an Internet Extended Access VZRequest form which may require director level approval.Carefully read and follow the instructions located in the form. Thoroughly complete all required information. 3. Once the necessary approvals are obtained, theVZRequest will route to Verizon Information Security who will evaluatethe request and take appropriate action.As a reminder of Policy, Internet
access is for legitimate business purposes only. For this reason, some Internet site categories areblocked for all users, including, but not limited to, sites that containgambling, excessive violence, nudity, and hate language.Support information / SG:twbgohaai-ipx6a / Client IP - / URL - HAISH.ORG Login ID - / [20/03/2022:22:55:19 GMT]
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